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5 Ways to Help Your YouTube Channel Flourish

By now this should be obvious: product or services marketing via video has surged over recent years, growing not just more popular but also more accessible for even the smallest of businesses. While popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter can be solid platforms to invest in this space, YouTube is still the dominant platform. People spend over a billion — yes, that’s right, billion — of hours per day viewing videos on YouTube.

YouTube is frequently referred to as the search engine that’s second only to Google in the world. It can help people find your content quickly and engage actively with it, if you know some tricks of the trade.

These are five ways to boost your YouTube channel’s reach and effectiveness.

  1. Get more subscribers to your YouTube channel with giveaways

Hosting a giveaway is a super simple and effective opportunity to acquire YouTube followers and subscribers.

Your channel’s industry or specific niche will help you determine the type of giveaway you should do. For example, if you are a jewelry designer on YouTube, you could host a giveaway for a necklace or bracelet. If you are a business consultant, however, you can offer a complimentary service to your viewers or provide them with an informative ebook.

No matter what the giveaway prize, it must be worthwhile and be enough of an incentive to increase traffic and subscribers. It will be necessary to think of some creative ways to make your giveaway prize stand out.

  1. Make Videos Based on a Single Topic and Keyword/phrase

Although it sounds obvious, creating your videos around one topic/keyword will help you gain the right amount of traffic to build your audience. This step is often overlooked by people who don’t know the best way to use search engine optimization. However, taking this step is essential if your videos are to reach the most viewers. Consider using a keyword-finding tool to look for the keywords in your field that are most frequently and widely searched.

Because it allows you to create the most relevant information about a topic, it is important that you choose your keyword or keyphrase before you begin building your content. This will help remind you to include your keyword in the most natural way so YouTube can pick it up when captions have been added. After you have selected your keyword, you can check the current ranking videos for the topic to ensure you are on the right path. Don’t forget about optimizing your page title and video descriptions.

Also, don’t make videos too long — most are just a few minutes long and remember, viewers typically have short attention spans. Be as concise as possible while still getting your point across.

  1. Get more subscribers to your YouTube channel with a video series

To convert one-time viewers to full-time subscribers, create a video series for your YouTube channel.

To create a compelling video series you must focus on a particular keyword or topic. This will allow you to optimize your content for YouTube search. Videos series can help you establish yourself as an expert in your field and grow your YouTube Channel. The informational, industry-specific videos on this channel are a good example.

You can arrange the videos that you have already in a common playlist to make it easier for people to search for your content.

  1. Repurpose Relevant Existing Content

Posting great, engaging content is one of the best opportunities to grow your YouTube channel. However, great content does not always need to be created from scratch. You can make some of the most engaging videos by using content that you have already made and own.

Many web surfers visit YouTube to get answers to questions or problems and for tutorials for products or how to do something. So providing content that solves these issues is a great way to attract visitors and even get customers. Take a look at your blogs, guides, or other highly-performing pieces and consider how you can turn them into captivating videos.

  1. Upload Consistently to Grow Your Youtube Channel

Consistent video uploads are the hallmark of any YouTube channel that is successful. When you upload relevant, engaging content regularly and consistently, you increase your chances of gaining regular viewers. Take advantage of push notifications, which can be used to notify subscribers when new content is uploaded.

You can commit to uploading new videos once per week or once per month, depending on your schedule and on your target audience’s needs and expectations. Whatever schedule you choose, make sure to stick to it because inconsistency in uploads can lead to lost subscribers and frustrated viewers.

Are you still unsure how frequently and how much content should be published on Youtube? This resource from Hootsuite addresses this issue and much more.

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