English is a subject that can help you fetch high marks or even full marks. The biggest problem a student faces while studying for class 9 is they tend to ignore subjects like English and Social Studies and focus more on subjects like Mathematics and Science. Mathematics and Science are considered as the two most important subjects that a student would need while preparing for entrance exams like engineering and medical. This mentality often restricts the student from learning about the other subjects. Once the students start ignoring the subject, there is no way they will be able to score good marks and they end up complaining.
The mindset of the parents should also change. Every subject should be given proper respect and importance. Never read a subject thinking that it will never help you in future. Students preparing high profile jobs always have English in their question papers. If you ignore the subjects from the initial days then the fundamental concepts of the language will never be cleared. Students think that scoring full marks are impossible but it is not that. Gone are those days when thinking about scoring a full mark in literature seemed like a dream. In this modern era where the competition is high and cut off marks as high as 99% or even 100%, scoring 100 in literature subjects have become easier.
There are always tips and tricks that will help you to score good marks in literature be it English or Hindi. If the toppers can score full marks or almost full marks in the exams then you too can do the same. Another major reason why students are not able to score good marks in literature subjects is that they get overconfident. Don’t get overconfident, many students make the mistake of thinking of literature as an easy subject. It is an easy subject but you have to write substantial things in the answer to score good marks.
Here are the few ways you can improve your literature in class 9:
1) Develop a reading habit
Developing a reading habit is important, while answering the questions from the reading section, these small habits make a lot of differences. Your parents must have asked you once in your lifetime to read the newspaper every day. Reading newspapers not only makes you informed and knowledgeable but also helps you to develop an eye for the details. This skill will help you find the answers more quickly and in no time you will be able to finish the reading section without any sweating.
2) Improve your vocabulary
There are many ways to improve your vocabulary. You can read multiple books. Upon reading multiple books you will come across many words. Try to find out their meanings with regards to the sentence. In this way, you will not only learn about the word but you will also learn about its application and when and where to use these words. Another process in which you can try to improve your vocabulary is by watching English movies in subtitles. It might sound childish but there is a lot to learn from these videos. You get to know the meaning of the word, its context and also its right pronunciation. Most of the time we learn a word without its proper pronunciation which makes it even worse.
3) Improve your writing skills
The best way to improve your writing skills is to write every day. You can write about anything you like. You can write about your day, about your favourite moment, anything that helps you express yourself. Break the shackles. Don’t feel the pressure. Start by writing about the things you like writing. Once you develop the habit of writing, try to write about the things that are in the syllabus. Write letters, articles, blogs, report writing, notice and advertisement. The more you write, the better you get at it. Try with simple letters and then try to cover all the variety in letter writing like informal letters and formal letters. Upgrading yourself is important. As you grow, increase the difficulty level.
4) Understand the emotions
Understanding emotions is really important while studying literature. While answering a question 90% of the hints are given in the question. If you read the poem and understand it from the writer’s point of view, answering the question becomes, however, don’t get too excited while reading the questions. More than 70% of stupid mistakes while writing answers. They get so excited that they forget to read the question carefully and without even reading it properly they start answering the questions and p losing the marks. Read all the portions from the book. Reading is important. Read a chapter more than twice and solve CBSE Sample Papers for Class 9 English Language & Literature for better preparation.
5) Preparation hacks
Always keep an eye on the word count. Don’t get over-excited and start exceeding the word count. You will not get extra marks for writing more. You will end up wasting your time. Read the textbook thoroughly. You will not get direct questions all the time. If you read the chapters thoroughly, you can attempt any question. Practice all the previous year question papers, they are very important because they give you an idea about the difficulty level and the type of questions you can expect in the exam.
Focus on the writing section. As you practice more and more, your writing level improves a lot. Start by writing a small article and gradually increase your word count. Focus on the reading section as well. Reading section is important because the questions that come are multiple-choice based and one wrong answer will make you lose marks easily. It’s a perfect opportunity for you to score perfectly. However, the reading section takes more time to solve, if you develop a reading habit then you can easily manage your time.
Literature is easy if given respect. If you give respect to the subject, the subject will respect you back. It’s not impossible to score full marks. Be honest with your preparations and focus on the tips.