Graduating is the most memorable experience for every student. But if the convocation ceremony is poorly planned, it can ruin the experience for students and guests. As an organiser, you would want nothing to go wrong during the ceremony. But if you don’t plan for everything in advance, you will have a hard time conducting a successful event. However, you can make your ceremony a success if you follow certain tips.
Decide on a Dress Code
Convocation ceremonies are formal events, which is why the attendees must only dress in certain types of clothes. As an organiser, it is your duty to decide on a dress code. If there is an existing dress code in your school for convocation ceremonies, you won’t have to come up with a new one yourself. You must properly communicate the dress code and any other requirements to the students and guests at least a month before the ceremony. It will give students the time to get their dresses ready.
Choose Speakers Carefully
Every convocation ceremony has multiple speakers, including the keynote speaker and student speaker. But if the speakers are not good at public speaking or don’t have well-written speeches, they will bore the audience pretty quickly. So, when deciding on speakers for your convocation ceremony, choose people who can deliver good speeches. When the speeches are good, the guests and students will remain interested in the ceremony until the end.
Make a List of Awards to Give
Students deserve recognition for their hard work just like everybody else. One way to do that is to give them trophies for their achievements. You can make a list of the best students and get awards & trophies ready for them in advance. You can easily find many companies that can make custom badges and trophies at a reasonable cost. You can also let one of the students say a few words about their academic journey. It would be inspirational for students to hear a student’s story.
Plan Decor
The decoration of your ceremony is very important. With decor, you can decide to create a picture of your school that you wish to present to outsiders. So, plan your ceremony’s decor while keeping the values of your school in mind.
Arrange Refreshments
Sitting in one position for a long time is going to make your guests crave something to munch on. You don’t have to arrange a lunch for your guests, but a few refreshments are a must. You can serve cookies with coffee or lemonade to your guests once the ceremony is over. It will help them freshen up after sitting for hours in one spot.