Being a global language and a common point of communication in any part and corner of the world, English is a must-learn for students of all ages for proper communication across regions. And as such, schools all over the world choose to employ this language in their curriculum such that students can use this language without any barrier constraints. The basics, structure, design, and grammar of this language are taught in detail to the students from a very young age till they are fully grown. These are tested on a yearly basis as students graduate and pass on from each class.
CBSE tests students for their English language skills. They are taught grammar, speaking, spellings, and writing throughout their learning years. CBSE Class 10 Board exam on English is usually a Board paper that most students neglect because the subject, after all, is a language and therefore of least importance. English is a subject where the students cannot score full marks no matter how hard they study and write their answers. They can only score excellent marks and this can be achieved only through preparation methods that are very effective.
Here, a list of methods for effective preparation of the Class 10 Board Exam of English is presented. Each point discusses why and how these preparation strategies are effective in scoring good marks and advises students to use these tips in their own preparations for their English exam:
- Understanding question paper structure is key to scoring excellent marks:
The Class 10 Board exam paper for English is divided and categorized into 3 sections namely reading comprehension, grammar and writing, and finally literature based on the textbook. A proper understanding of this structure can help students determine the method that they need to use to effectively answer the question paper.
- Work upon reading comprehensions:
There are a lot of reading comprehension passages available on the internet. Students of English usually run out of time doing these comprehensions in their exams because these are too lengthy and it becomes difficult to find answers within the given exam time. Practicing at least 3-4 passages daily can immensely help students get better at reading comprehension questions. This activity not only helps students work on their reading skills; they also help in building up their vocabulary as they come across new words in the passages.
- Writing and grammar practice needs to be taken seriously:
The 10th syllabus has lots of writing pieces namely notices, advertisements, letters, etc. Students need to practice these because writing can only be improved through writing. Stories and essays sometimes become an important part of the question paper and practicing these on a weekly, maybe even on a daily basis can help students work their way up to a decent writing level. Sentence construction is really important while writing answers. Doing exercises on framing sentences, fill in the blanks, jumbled sentences, and others can work as good practice for effective sentence construction. Writing and cross-checking with grammar apps available online can help students realize mistakes that they make in the grammatical structure which students can then put effort into for improving.
- Literature from the textbook:
NCERT is primary and important and should be the students’ central focus. The NCERT Solutions Class 10 English First Flight is an NCERT based reference solely created by expert teachers for benefitting the students by explaining all the lessons and other parts of the subject in a simple and easily understandable way. Since NCERT follows the CBSE curriculum, the text and the syllabus are what the students need to be thorough on before they move to references. The NCERT Solutions are created to serve this purpose of reference. Follow the pattern of attempting long answers and then moving on to the short answer questions. The main emphasis that should be given to the long reading novel should be on its main themes, plot, and character sketches.
- For effective preparation, make notes:
As students prepare one chapter at a time for the exam, they are advised to make notes which are supposed to be very crisp as they are intended for revision and re-learning of topics. Making notes can help students organize important topics under these short notes and thus have better points to write as essays for their answers. Poet and author names can be noted down to easily remember them.
- Revise a second and third time:
Literature has a lot of points and details in the story. They have descriptions of characters, situations, and buildings. Each of these is difficult to be retained in the brain only through a single reading. Thus, revisions play an important role in helping students prepare for their Class 10 Board exam in an effective manner.
- Managing time is really important while writing the exam:
The students have 3 hours to complete their English exam. If they are to use their time in answering the paper efficiently, they should break up the 3 hours to devote 50 minutes to each section. The final 15 minutes of the 3 hours must be set aside for a quick re-check of the answers. This writing method assures that the students receive ample amounts of time in answering each section and scoring good results.
- Presentation is important:
The answer sheet should be maintained neatly with proper spacing and good handwriting. All the main and important points that students write as answers need to be highlighted such that it stands out and provides an easy read to the examiner.
These easy-to-follow tips mentioned in detail are to motivate the students to use them for their Class 10 English Board exam. Giving stress on the question paper pattern, reading, grammar, writing and literature, time management, revision, and presentation of the answer sheet, students have their own effective exam preparation strategy with them that can be used for achieving an excellent score. All they have to do is apply it and the result is theirs!